Social Comparison

I often talk with clients about social media use and its impact on mental health. People can become upset, irritated, anxious, or stressed when online, scrolling through feeds that promote all the seemingly amazing lives others are living. Why is that? Frequently it is due to comparison. We look at the people we know and don’t know: our peers, family members, celebrities, and influencers, and unintentionally evaluate ourselves.

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Michael Bauer
On Anxiety

I often address anxiety with clients and see significant and long-lasting progress when clients are committed to making change. Here are a few important considerations:

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Michael Bauer
Conversation with Rosalba Rios, therapist and artist.

Rosalba Rios is a friend and colleague of mine. She is a therapist and artist who has a wide breadth of knowledge and experience. Here at Counseling for Creative People, we talked together to share her voice as a therapist, a person of color, a creative, a social justice advocate, and someone with a deep commitment to her faith. Enjoy!

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Forging Connection

On our computers, phones, and devices, more than ever we have the tendency to surround ourselves with people who share our predominate values. Social media makes it easy for us to live in a “filter bubble” and confirmation bias shows that we are more likely to seek out views that align with our pre-existing beliefs.

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Michael Bauer
The Art of Listening

Here are five ways to be a better listener. The best time to practice is when you are not upset. Know that at certain times you might feel like a poor listener due to feeling upset or triggered.

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Michael Bauer
The Story of therapy

A large component of healing is giving meaning to our experiences. Therapy helps us to take our often fragmented, chaotic, understanding of our life and organize thoughts and feelings in a coherent, linear, way.

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Michael Bauer